Lotto Results.
There was no winner of Crossmolina Deel-Rovers GAA Club Lotto Jackpot Saturday night 4th July the numbers drawn were 19 – 20 – 25 – 26. Two punters matched three numbers Jack and Eileen Rowland Killeen Castlehill, Damien Rowland Abbeytown Crossmolina they win €75 each. This week’s jackpot is €5.100 The draw takes place in the Parish Hall on Saturday night and can be view on Crossmolina GAA face book page. Many thanks for your support
Doing a Clear out – Clothes Recycling.
If you are clearing out your home please drop the clothes, shoes, bags etc into the Ballina Family Resource Centre, Abbey Street, Ardnaree. We are doing a Cash for Clobber as a Fundraiser for the Centre, your support would be greatly appreciated. If you need bags we have some in the centre, just drop in and collect them. For more info call 096 75573, all money received for clobber goes directly to Ballina FR
2020 Nephin Festival.
This year’s festival, what many say is a virtual festival, is possibly the only festival going ahead in the region. The festival runs from July 22nd to 26th with many online events including fitness sessions, chicken racing, local concert, bus karaoke, local community & festival news programmes. There is also interactive events like “Where’s Willie”, “Make-A-Snake” plus some regular offline events such as the Junior Fishing Competition, STEAM workshops but the highlight of the festival will be the Drive In Movie night on the grounds of beautiful Enniscoe House with two movies, The Goonies & The Hangover. Tickets are on sale at O’Donnell’s Centra. There is also a drive in bingo and all events will operate within current public health guidelines. The festival group realise that some people may not have access to the social media channels that will carry many events but family members can help possibly by casting the events to their TVs so all the family and friends can watch and interact. It is hoped that Crossmolina diaspora elsewhere in Ireland and around the world will join in so please pass on the word. Festival brochures are available locally with regular updates on the festival Facebook and instagram pages.
Football is Back.
After a close down in all Football action since early march due to the Covid-19 it’s good to see we have a couple of games this coming weekend On Saturday Crossmolina Intermediate team are away to Bonniconlon in the Michael Walsh cup at 7pm. ON Sunday the Junior Team are at home to Bonniconlon at 12 noon also in the Michael Walsh cup
Mindspace Outreach service in Ballina FRC.
Mindspace Mayo offers a support service to young people (15-25yrs) presenting with anything from common concerns (e.g. dealing with break-up, exam stress, bullying) to young people with emerging mental health difficulties such as mild depression and anxiety. The outreach service will run one day a week (Monday) and is based in the Ballina Family Resource Centre. For further information on Mindspace Mayo please see our website or call us on 094-9067001
Pieta House New Increased Hours
Pieta House provides counselling, therapy and support to individuals, couples, families and children who have been bereaved by suicide or feeling suicidal.
Pieta House operate an outreach service from the Ballina Family Resource Centre on Tuesdays from 1pm to 5pm & on Wednesdays 9.00am to 1.00pm by apt only Contact: 09325586 to make an Appointment – (During Covid Pieta are doing online & phone calls to their clients)
Crossmolina Library.
The Library will be open for Call and Collect. Tell us what you want by phone: 096 31939 Email: We will arrange a collection time with you. Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm. These times will change when we get back to normality. Keep safe and keep reading.
Crossmolina Parish.
We have now set up a Parish support team for all 4 Churches. Many thanks to all who came to our meetings to offer help & support as we work together for the Health and Safety of our Community. Thanks to all who have volunteered to help sanitise our Churches after Masses. Extra volunteers will be needed and will be asked to stay back after Mass to set up a rota system. Our Churches will also be deep cleaned by William Barrett on a regular basis.
Cocooning volunteers or lay ministers are invited, having carefully weighed the risks and benefits, to give an indication as to whether they choose to stay at home or to continue in their public ministry. The dispensation from the Sunday and Holyday obligation is extended for the time being.
• We must ensure that the required physical distance is maintained during all liturgies, some seating rows (every second one) will be closed off. One person or one household of two people could sit at either end of a row. Any larger group (family or household) would occupy a row to themselves.
• Participation over the week is encouraged rather than having everybody turn up on Sunday.
• Sanitising machines are available in all Church Porches
• People will be asked to leave the Church gradually after Mass and encouraged not to gather outside, so that social distancing is maintained.
• Those who are sick or have any symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 should stay at home.
• Boxes will be placed at entrance of the Church for contribution envelopes, to avoid passing collection baskets.
• Maximum number allowed is as follows:
Crossmolina: 100 + Eskeragh: 38 +
Keenagh: 50 + Kilmurry: 40 +
Mass on Friday’s at 12 Noon for Senior Citizens.
2. Returning to Mass—Crossmolina Parish
Mass return dates:
St Tiernan’s: Tuesday 21st July @ 9am
Holy Souls, Keenagh: Sun 26th July @ 10.15am
Our Lady’s Kilmurry: Sat 25th July @ 7pm
Our Lady of Mercy, Eskeragh: Sun 26th July @ 9am
Please note: due to Covid-19 restrictions, mass intentions will be limited to two per mass (St Tiernan’s) and one per mass (all other Church’s). Exception(s): masses booked prior to COVID-19 closures.
3. Revised Confirmation and First Holy Communion
Dates Confirmation:
St Tiernan’s, Crossmolina, Sat 12th Sept @ 12 noon.
First Holy Communion:
Kilmurry, Sat 29th August @ 12 noon
Crossmolina, Sat 5th September @ 12 noon
Keenagh, Sun 6th September @ 12.30
4. Distribution of Holy Communion
The following protocols will be followed:
• Priests and ministers must sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion
• The priest/minister must wear protective face-covering for the distribution of Holy Communion. (HSE guidelines)
• Holy Communion will be distributed in the hand only for the foreseeable future
• Holy Communion can be placed reverently in the hand of the person receiving in such a way that there is no hand to hand contact
• People will be invited to approach Holy Communion in single file, by seat row, and maintaining physical distance.
5. Church Ministers Rotas—from 20th July 2020
Eucharistic Ministers: Current rotas will resume from Saturday 25th July with only two Ministers required alongside the celebrant until further notice. Please check Parish Bulletin for names each week. Readers: Current rotas will resume from Saturday 25th July.
6. Altar Servers: No Altar Servers for the time being.
Cleaners: Team B (as per current rota—July).
Counters: Team Kilmurry—July (as per new rota—available in sacristy / Parish Office).
Please note: as per HSE guidelines re. COVID-19—those in the over 70 age group and in the vulnerable category are not required to participate for the time being. Please contact the Parish Office if you wish your name to be removed from any of the above rotas at this time.
7. Church Envelopes
Many thanks to all who are returning their weekly envelope. A steel box is available in Crossmolina Church porch for your envelope to help in keeping our Churches open. The Box is emptied every day and is very safe. CCTV protected.
Envelopes from Eskeragh, Keenagh and Kilmurry can also be put in box.