The Barber Shop is back in Business.
The website and app have been amended accordingly so bookings can now be made.
There are a number of ways in which you can book your appointment:
1) You can register and book on our website
2) Download the Nearcut app from the App Store (free to download), search for The Barber Shop, Crossmolina. You can register and book there.
3) Call Darren on 086 8175105.
May Gilvarry RIP.
The death Peacefully at her residence on Sunday 12th July of May Gilvarry nee Leonard Ballymachola in her 92nd year. Her remains Reposed at the residence of her daughter and son-in-law, Marian and Mikie Walsh on Monday. Removal on Tuesday to the Church of the Holy Rosary Cooneal for requiem mass with burial after wards in Lishean Cemetery. May was predeceased by her Husband Paddy, Baby son Patrick, Sisters Madeline Deane (Crossmolina), Kathleen Rose (New Zealand) and Bridie Richman (England). Sadly missed by her daughters Marian, Kathleen, Anne, Carmel, Eileen, Patsy, Breeda, Colette and Adrienne, son’s – in – laws, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives and a large circle of friends. Due to the HSE guidelines May’s funeral was private to family only. The family would like to thank you for your heartful gratitude and consideration at this difficult time. May her gentle soul Rest in Peace
Lotto Results.
There was no winner of Crossmolina Deel-Rovers GAA Club Lotto Jackpot Saturday night 11th July the numbers drawn were 5 – 7 – 17 – 32. three punters matched three numbers John Forde Laherdane, Breege Mulhern Cuilacurrane Castlehill, Patrick Loftus Lake Rd Crossmolina they each win €50 each. This week’s jackpot is €5.250 The draw takes place in the Parish Hall on Saturday night and can be view on Crossmolina GAA face book page. Many thanks for your support
Robert Marsh RIP.
The death occurred peacefully on Sunday 12th July at the Mater Private Hospital Dublin of Robert Marsh Romar Erris Street Crossmolina Funeral Mass on Tuesday in St Tiernans church with burial afterwards in Crossmolina cemetery. Robert was predeceased by his brother Paddy, and sister Mary Deeply regretted by his loving family, wife Hilary, daughter Elaine, son Rodney and their partners Jennifer and Brian, his much adored grandson Harry, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces and friends. Due to the HSE guidelines, Robert’s Funeral was private to family members only. The family would like to thank you for your co-operation and consideration at this difficult time. Robert was an outstanding sports man who played Gaelic football for many years with Crossmolina Deel-Rovers GAA. With no underage teams in Crossmolina in his youth, he played for Belmullet minor team in 1959. With the pick of North Mayo they won a North Medal and were unlucky not to win the county title loosing out to Carras in the final. Robert had better luck in 1961 when Crossmolina won the North Mayo Junior title defeating Belmullet 3 – 5 to 2 – 3, once again a county medal eluded Robert loosing out to Garrymore by 3 – 7 to 1 – 8. In 1962 Crossmolina got the better of Belmullet to claim the North Mayo Title and followed it up by going all the way with a narrow one point win over the Neale in the County final 0– 8 to 1 – 5. Injuries and work commitments cut short a playing career. Robert was elected Secretary of the Deel-Rovers in 1967 and continued until 1973 when he took up the position of Treasurer up to 1991. Robert continued to support and lend his assistance whenever called upon and was awarded Club man of the year in 1984 and Hall of Fame recipient in 2013. Robert also played badminton for many years winning many County titles.
Golf was another great hobby of his and he enjoyed many great days playing in Ballina, Enniscrone and all over Connacht. May he rest in peace.
Holiday Time in Resource Centre.
Ballina Family Resource Centre is closed for 2 weeks Annual Leave commencing Monday 20th July 2020, our offices will re-open for business on Tuesday 4th August 2020. Looking forward to seeing you all on our return. For emergencies please call 0870618525
Died in Castlebar.
The death occurred peacefully on Monday 14th July at her Residence of Andreé Moran (née Munnelly) 18 Kennedy Gardens, Castlebar, formerly of Erris St Crossmolina. Removal on Wednesday to St Tiernans Church for requiem mass with burial afterwards in Crossmolina Cemetery. Andreé was predeceased by her father Philip. Very deeply regretted by her loving family, son’s Íosaf and Othain daughter Blaithín, and their father John, mother Anne, sisters Cathriona and her children Grace and Conrad and their father John, Sharon and her children Emily and Christopher and their father Satashi, Emer and her partner Martin, Irene and her children Faye and Danny and their father Donal, brother Philip and his children Sirona, Caela and Philip Junior and their mother Sharon, relatives, neighbours and friends. May she rest in peace
Library Open for Browsing
Opening Times:
Tue. & Wed. :- 12 – 3pm and 4 – 7pm
Fri. & Sat. : 11am -1pm and 2 – 4pm
Priority Time for vulnerable, first hour of each day.
Call & Collect Service also available.
Phone 096 31939 or email
The Children’s Summer Reading Challenge Has Begun.
Check at the desk for details, or
Nephin Festival.
It’s festival week but with a difference this year. Brochures are available locally and you can follow all the festival updates on our Facebook & Instagram pages. Tickets are on sale for the Drive in Movie Night at Enniscoe House, next Friday July 24th, two movies to choose from, The Goonies at 6pm or The Hangover at 9pm. You can book online at, at O’Donnell’s Centra or call 086 4049566 for details. There are only 10 car passes available for the Drive In Bingo, unfortunately numbers are limited at events so as to comply with Covid 19 Regulations. You can enjoy online events with family and friends as we become A World Apart but A Community Together and we hope diaspora around the world will join in, online events include local concerts, music, singing & dancing, chicken racing, Festival Community News Bulletins, baking and much more. There will adobe STEAM workshops and Junior Fishing Competition, all contact details are in the brochure or email the festival with any queries. This year the festival have requested no sponsorship as businesses struggle through the pandemic, however there has been donations which will go towards the prize fund. The festival still has to meet costs like insurance, printing etc so over the festival there will be a chance to donate online after each online event and hopefully 2021 will see a return to more normal events. Enjoy the festival, have fun, stay safe and thank you for your continued support.
Returning to Mass
Crossmolina Church will open for Mass on today Tuesday 21st July at 9am.
We welcome everyone back to Church.
· Weekday Mass on Tues, Wed, Thurs at 9am, Fri at 12 Noon in Crossmolina.
· Side isles will be closed off for weekday Masses
· No Masses on Mondays
· Three people in every second seat.
· 2 Couples or a Family per seat
· Extra people can listen in their car outside Church.
· All people are advised to wear masks
· Boxes will be placed at entrance of the Church for contribution envelopes.
· Holy Water fonts will remain empty.
· Participation over the week is encouraged rather than having everybody turn up on Sunday.
· Sanitising machines are available in all Church Porches
· People will be asked to leave the Church gradually after receiving communion after Mass and encouraged not to gather outside, so that social distancing is maintained.
· Those who are sick or have any symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 should stay at home.
· Maximum number allowed is as follows:
Crossmolina: 100 + Eskeragh: 38 +
Keenagh: 50 + Kilmurry: 40 +
Distribution of Holy Communion
The following protocols will be followed:
· Priests and ministers must sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion
· The priest/minister must wear protective face-covering for the distribution of Holy Communion. (HSE guidelines)
· Holy Communion will be distributed in the hand only for the foreseeable future
· Holy Communion can be placed reverently in the hand in such a way that there is no hand to hand contact
· People will be invited to approach Holy Communion at the end of Mass in single file, by seat row, and maintaining physical distance and leave Church immediately.
. Church Ministers Rotas—from 20th July 2020
Eucharistic Ministers: Current rotas will resume from Saturday 25th July with only two Ministers required alongside the celebrant until further notice. Please check Parish Bulletin for names each week.
Readers: Current rotas will resume from Saturday 25th July.
Altar Servers: No Altar Servers for the time being.
Cleaners: Team B (as per current rota—July).
Counters: Team Kilmurry—July (as per new rota—available in sacristy / Parish Office).
Please note: as per HSE guidelines re. COVID-19—those in the over 70 age group and in the vulnerable category are not required to participate for the time being. Please contact the Parish Office if you wish your name to be removed from any of the above rotas at this time.
Returning to Mass—Crossmolina Parish Mass return dates:
St Tiernan’s: Tuesday 21st July @ 9am
Holy Souls, Keenagh: Sun 26th July @ 10.15am
Our Lady’s Kilmurry: Sat 25th July @ 7pm
Our Lady of Mercy, Eskeragh: Sun 26th July @ 9am
Please note: due to Covid-19 restrictions, mass intentions will be limited to two per mass (St Tiernan’s) and one per mass (all other Church’s). Exception(s): masses booked prior to COVID-19 closures
Graveyard Masses
Please note: All graveyard masses & Holy Well mass are suspended for this year.
Stewarts are asked to be in Church 20 minutes before Mass to show people to their seats. It will be up to everyone to be responsible for their own health and safety.
Looking forward to seeing you all
Thomas O’Boyle RIP
The death occurred peacefully on Monday 13th July at The Four Ferns Nursing Home, Foxrock, Dublin of Thomas O’Boyle Mullenmore North Crossmolina Formerly of Cuilagurrain Castlehill and Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, England. Requiem mass was celebrated in St Tiernans Church on Wednesday with burial afterwards in Kilmurry Cemetery. Thomas was predeceased by his wife Ellie is survived by his son John, daughters Annette, Teresa and Angela. Will be deeply missed by his children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, nephews, nieces, friends and neighbours. Due to government restrictions and HSE guidelines, the funeral was for family only. The Family were very grateful for your co-operation and support at this very difficult time. May he rest in peace.