Returning to Mass
We hope to return to Mass from June 30th.
A Framework Document to the dioceses and parishes of Ireland was sent to every parish. The purpose of this document is to assist priests and people in their own preparations and to help ensure that the re-opening of our churches for public worship happens in a safe and measured way.
The document states: “in all circumstances the safety and health of people, ministers, and priests must be paramount. No church should be opened for public prayer or worship until satisfactory arrangements, as indicated in this Framework, have been put in place.”
The prescriptions contained in this Framework Document will only be effective if we have the generous support of volunteers who will help to plan, implement and manage the transition back to full parish life and the celebration of the sacraments. In this regard we appeal particularly to the younger members of our parishes. Their energy, creativity and enthusiasm are gifts that our communities need now more than ever.
We are looking for, groups, clubs, organisations, individuals to take on this task for the coming months.
• Volunteer Forms are available in all Church Porches.
• We must ensure that the required physical distance is maintained during all liturgies, some seating rows (every second one) will need to be closed off. One person or one household of two people could sit at either end of a row. Any larger group (family or household) would occupy a row to themselves.
• Participation over the week is encouraged rather than having everybody turn up on Sunday.
• Sunday Masses will be limited to two intentions,
• People will be asked to leave the Church gradually after Mass and encouraged not to gather outside, so that social distancing is maintained.
In order for this to happen I am calling a meeting in all Church areas to implement the proposals outlined in the document.
The dates are as follows:
Church Date Time
Keenagh Tuesday 16th June 8pm
Kilmurry Thursday 18th June 8pm
Eskeragh Tuesday 23rd June 8pm
Crossmolina Wednesday 24th June 8pm
Reopening our Churches
As we prepare to gather again for the Eucharist and for the Sacraments and to resume the pastoral life of the Church our twofold objective is:
1. To provide the opportunity for people to be strengthened, renewed and inspired by the mystery of God’s love for us
2. To express that love in our own care for one another
• The Sunday / Holyday obligation has been suspended for the time being and those who cannot come to Mass are invited to participate on webcam .
• The rite of blessing and sprinkling of water and the distribution of blessed water is suspended for the time being.
• Holy Communion can be distributed quite safely as long as hand hygiene is observed, close contact is limited and the celebrant / minister wears a face covering. Every effort should be made to maintain the sacredness of the Sacramental moment
• Those who are sick or have any symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 should stay at home.
• Close contacts of a person who has a confirmed or suspected case of the virus should stay at home.
• Cocooning volunteers or lay ministers should be sensitively invited, having carefully weighed the risks and benefits, to give an indication as to whether they choose to stay at home or to continue in their public ministry, in which case they should be advised to be cautious and prudent in respect of the activities in which they engage.
Kilmurry Bonfire
Due to the Covid – 19 restrictions the annual Bonfire Night Party at Kilmurry Centre has been cancelled.
CHY4 Certs – Charitable Donations
Thank you to all the parishioners who returned their CHY4 forms to date. It is very much appreciated. If anyone still wishes to complete a form please contact the Parish Office. Thank you for your cooperation.
Church Envelopes
Many thanks to all who are returning their weekly envelope. A steel box is available in Crossmolina Church porch for your envelope to help in keeping our Churches open.
The Box is emptied every day and is very safe. CCTV protected.
Envelopes from Eskeragh, Keenagh & Kilmurry can also be put in box.
Booking Masses
All Masses booked for Saturday (Vigil) will be transferred to the Sunday until restrictions are lifted. Anyone wishing to book Masses or have Masses transferred from Eskeragh, Keenagh or Kilmurry, please ring parish office on 31677
Recent Deaths
Breege Bulger (London), sister of Mary O’Boyle
Gregory Dyre, Westport, brother of Sr. Anna
Fr. Martin Mulvaney, Rooskey. May they rest in peace
Lotto Results
There was no winner of Crossmolina Deel-Rovers GAA Club Lotto Jackpot Saturday night 6th June the numbers drawn were 9 – 12 – 18 – 34. Noreen Reilly Laherdane matched three numbers and won 150 Euro. Next week’s jackpot is €4,500. Many thanks for your support
Sunflower Day.
Due to Covid-19 the Annual Sunflower Day has been cancelled and this is a huge loss of income to Hospice whose vital services are ongoing. If anyone is interested in making a donation it can be done by logging on to or call 094 9388666, or Hospice Foundation, Main St., Knock, Co. Mayo