Your help is urgently needed to help overseas missionaries and vulnerable communities to defend themselves against COVID-19. In Africa, Asia and Latin America the Church is often on the frontline. In remote, inaccessible areas, it is missionaries who respond, as best they can, to the medical and pastoral needs of suffering men, women and children.
Missionaries already face too many challenges; working in over-crowded communities with no running water. In shantytowns and refugee camps where social distancing is simply impossible, and where self-isolation could mean starvation.
To help protect these fragile communities, Pope Francis has announced the COVID-19 Emergency Fund. If you can, please give so that our less-fortunate brothers and sisters have a fighting chance at suppressing COVID-19.
2.Crossmolina Parish plans for Returning to Mass
• No Masses on Mondays
• Mass on Fridays at 11am for Senior Citizens in St Tiernan’s to fulfil the Sunday Obligation.
• Masses in Eskeragh, Keenagh and Kilmurry as usual.
• Three people in every second seat.
• We must ensure that the required physical distance is maintained during all liturgies, some seating rows (every second one) will be closed off. One person or one household of two people could sit at either end of a row. Any larger group (family or household) would occupy a row to themselves.
• Extra people can listen in their car outside Church.
• Participation over the week is encouraged rather than having everybody turn up on Sunday.
• Sunday Masses will be limited to two intentions,
• People will be asked to leave the Church gradually after Mass and encouraged not to gather outside, so that social distancing is maintained.
• Those who are sick or have any symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 should stay at home.
• Meetings this week in Eskeragh & Crossmolina.
It is clear that the COVID-19 Virus will remain present at some level in the community for the foreseeable future. Just as human behaviour has been very successful in reducing the level of community contagion, human behaviour will also determine what happens in the weeks and months ahead.
All the evidence of recent weeks has been that the most important factors in reducing the spread of the infection have been the adherence to physical distancing and hand hygiene.
If properly and sensitively implemented and carefully managed, we believe that these measures will help all of us to re-engage with the public life of the Church with confidence, energy and joy. We recognise that some of our parishioners may feel that they would be better advised to stay at home for the time being and we look forward to supporting their continued participation online.
3.All graveyard masses & Holy Well mass are suspended for this year.
Crossmolina Library.
The Library will be open for Call and Collect. Tell us what you want by phone: 096 31939 Email: mgallagh@mayococo.ie. We will arrange a collection time with you. Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm. These times will change when we get back to normality. Keep safe and keep reading.
Scoil Néifinn Open For Enrolment.
Scoil Néifinn, Keenagh, is still open for enrolments for the school year 20/21. Please contact the school at scoilneifinn@outlook.com for any information.
Lotto Results.
There was no winner of Crossmolina Deel-Rovers GAA Club Lotto Jackpot Saturday night 13th June the numbers drawn were 2 – 3 – 5 – 29. No punter matched three numbers either and three tickets were drawn. Teresa McNulty St Patricks Ave Crossmolina, Martin Loftus Rathmore Crossmolina, Gráinne Gough 5 Waterstone Ballina each win 50 Euro. This week’s jackpot is €4,650. The draw takes place in the Parish Hall on Saturday night and can be view on Crossmolina GAA face book page. Many thanks for your support
Doing a Clear Out – Clothes Recycling
If you are clearing out your home please drop the clothes, shoes, bags etc into the Ballina Family Resource Centre, Abbey Street, Ardnaree. We are doing Cash for Clobber as a Fundraiser for the Centre, your support would be greatly appreciated. If you need bags we have some in the centre, just drop in and collect them. For more info call 096 75573, all money received for clobber goes directly to Ballina FRC.
Mindspace Outreach Service in Ballina FRC
Mindspace Mayo offers a support service to young people (15-25yrs) presenting with anything from common concerns (e.g. dealing with break-up, exam stress, bullying) to young people with emerging mental health difficulties such as mild depression and anxiety. The outreach service is running by phone or online whilst the lockdown is on for Covid19. For further information on Mindspace Mayo please see our website www.mindspacemayo.ie or call us on 094-9067001