Michael Cawley RIP
The death occurred peacefully on Saturday 20th June at his residence of Michael Cawley ST Judes Ave Crossmolina. Michaels Funeral Mass was celebrated in St Tiernan’s Church on Monday with cremation afterwards. Michael deeply mourned by his loving wife Bridgie, sons Michael Richard, Pat and Gerry, daughter Marie, brother Richard, sister Imelda, in laws Tanya, Richard and Barry, grandchildren Carla, Richard, Maeve, Lucy, Zara and Ryan, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Due to Government Restrictions and HSE Guidelines Michaels Funeral was private for Family only. The family were grateful for your co-operation and support. A special thank you to our neighbours and friends who stood along the road when the Cortege from the family home proceeded to the church. May He Rest in Peace.
St Tiernans church News
Training Modules for Parish Support Teams and Volunteers which we have prepared.
They are based on the Resources at the back of “Nothing can Separate us from the Love of God”.
• Safe and Effective Use of PPE: https://youtu.be/8WgXLuBruqk
• Stewarding: https://youtu.be/PvrMceCaRmQ
• Cleaning in a Church Environment: https://youtu.be/MNT-jhqiOdA
• Hand Hygiene, Respiratory Etiquette and Physical Distancing: https://youtu.be/12ze04YLGjA
• Communications and Signage: https://youtu.be/H_j8GcbsHSA
• Distributing Holy Communion: https://youtu.be/fCdKEsFJo_E
The six modules are also posted on our parish and Diocesan website.
Revised Confirmation and First Holy Communion Dates
St Tiernan’s, Crossmolina, Sat 12th September @ 12 noon.
First Holy Communion:
Kilmurry, Sat 29th August @ 12 noon
Crossmolina, Sat 5th September @ 12 noon
Keenagh, Sun 6th September @ 12.30
Returning to Mass
Crossmolina Church will open for Mass on Tuesday, 21st July at 9am.
The dispensation from the Sunday and Holyday obligation is extended for the time being.
• Mass on Tues, Wed, Thurs at 9am, Fri at 11am.
• Side isles will be closed off for weekday Masses
• Weekends as usual in all Churches
• No Masses on Mondays
• Three people in every second seat.
• Maximum number allowed will be publicly displayed at the entrance of all Churches
• We must ensure that the required physical distance is maintained during all liturgies, some seating rows (every second one) will be closed off. One person or one household of two people could sit at either end of a row. Any larger group (family or household) would occupy a row to themselves.
• Extra people can listen in their car outside Church.
• Participation over the week is encouraged rather than having everybody turn up on Sunday.
• Sunday Masses will be limited to two intentions,
• People will be asked to leave the Church gradually after Mass and encouraged not to gather outside, so that social distancing is maintained.
• Those who are sick or have any symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 should stay at home.
• Cocooning volunteers or lay ministers should be sensitively invited, having carefully weighed the risks and benefits, to give an indication as to whether they choose to stay at home or to continue in their public ministry, in which case they should be advised to be cautious and prudent in respect of the activities in which they engage.
• Seating areas, door-handles and other key touch points will be thoroughly sanitised after Mass.
• All people are advised to wear masks
• Boxes will be placed at entrance of the Church for contribution envelopes, to avoid the need for people to pass collection baskets or bags.
• Holy Water fonts will remain empty.
• No Altar Servers for the time being
We have now set up a Parish support team for all Four Churches. Many thanks to all who came to our meetings to offer help & support as we work together for the Health & Safety of our Community.
Returning to Mass
Distribution of Holy Communion
The following protocols will be followed:
• Priests and ministers must sanitise their hands before and after distributing Holy Communion
• The priest/minister must wear protective face-covering for the distribution of Holy Communion.
• Holy Communion will be distributed in the hand only for the foreseeable future
• Holy Communion can be placed reverently in the hand of the person receiving in such a way that there is no hand to hand contact
• People will be invited to approach Holy Communion in single file, by seat row, and maintaining physical distance.
The experience of the pandemic has called upon us, to live the reality of Church in a new way. As we prepare to gather again for the Eucharist and for the Sacraments and to resume the pastoral life of the Church our twofold objective is:
1. To provide the opportunity for people to be strengthened, renewed and inspired by the mystery of God’s love for us
2. To express that love in our own care for one another
Cleaning Crossmolina Church
We are looking for help on this Thursday morning after 9am mass to sweep, dust and vacuum St Tiernan’s Church. Normal cleaning rotas will resume the following week for those who wish to continue on their cleaning roster. (Team B is rostered for July). Cocooning volunteers may prefer to stay at home during the pandemic at this stage. A new group has been set up for the sanitization of St Tiernan’s Church on a weekly basis.
If you have any concerns please contact the Parish Office on 096 31677.
Scoil Néifinn Open For Enrolment.
Scoil Néifinn, Keenagh,
Is still open for enrolments for the school year 20/21. Please contact the school at scoilneifinn@outlook.com for any information.
Lotto Results.
There was no winner of Crossmolina Deel-Rovers GAA Club Lotto Jackpot Saturday night 20th June the numbers drawn were 11 – 12 – 24 – 28. One ticket matched three numbers Peadar and Karen Flynn St Mary’s Park Crossmolina and wins 150 Euro. This week’s jackpot is €4,800. The draw takes place in the Parish Hall on Saturday night and can be viewed on Crossmolina GAA face book page. Many thanks for your support.
The History of St Tiernans.
The Time Line History of St Tiernans Crossmolina
441 Ad St Patrick is active in the Mayo area
C 650 A.D. Errew Abbey in founded By St Tiernan
1152 A.D. Synod of Kells Determines the Boundaries of Killala Diocese
1300 A,D. St Mary’s Abbey (Abbeytown) is Founded
1530’s Dissolution of Errew and St. Maty’s
1806 Catholic Church is built on Current site of Parish Hall
1829 Catholic Emancipation
1840 Construction of St. Tiernan’s Commences.
1845-1849 Great Famine – Construction of new Church is suspended
1860 St Tiernan’s church is completed and opened.
1892 St Tiernan’s is Renovated – New Altar Chair in stalled.
1895 Boy’s School is built.
1907 Church Bell is rung for first time.
1912 Convent of Jesus and Mary of opened
1960 Sanctuary Refurbished for “Novos Ordo” Mass
1996 Stained Glass Windows are installed
2003 Church Sanctuary Refurbished
2008 Major Structural Renovations were Undertaken and Church was rededicated on September 9th